Friday, September 27, 2013

Katakana Samples

ア":Why are there dots on theア?(Is it supposed to be a muffled or growling sound? How is this pronounced?)

ナイフ:Western-style object? (Why not use the kanji for knife instead? Is it because this is a Western style knife?)

グリコとポッキー:personal choice? (Why not use hiragana for the company and brand name? Is it because the name sounds more Western than Japanese?)

Monday, September 23, 2013


Monday, September 9, 2013

I am a Junior studying Neuroscience and pre-Med. I am from Moutain View, California. I want to learn Japanese because I hope to be able to communicate between with my Kendo sensei and other Naginata sensei beside my own. I am planning to visit Japan this January with some of my friends in order to practice Kendo and Naginata, and hope to use the things I learn in this class to navigate and interact with others when I am in Japan this winter.